Gynaecology Negligence Claims

As a general rule, Ireland is well served by the gynaecological and obstetric care provided in its hospitals.  In most cases, gynaecological procedures and examinations proceed as planned and are performed by competent and well-trained medical practitioners.  However, sometimes mistakes are made as a result of medical negligence*.
Gynaecological claims* can arise from a variety of surgical procedures including:

  • hysterectomies
  • embolisation
  • laparoscopic sterilisation
  • oophorectomy
  • pelvic-floor repair
  • bladder perforation
  • perineal or vaginal tears
  • endometrial ablation
  • dilation and curettage (D&C)

The effects of such injuries can have a devastating and lifelong impact on women, resulting in pain, incontinency and psychological injuries. At Hanahoe and Hanahoe Solicitors LLP we understand the devasting effect gynaecological and obstetric injuries can have on women and we have the knowledge and expertise to ensure that you are properly compensated.

What are the main causes of Gynaecological and Obstetric Injury Claims*

From our experience as medical negligence solicitors* the most common causes of gynaecological obstetric injury claims are:

  • poorly performed or unnecessary hysterectomies
  • perforation of the bowel, bladder or uterus during hysterectomies
  • misdiagnosis of third and fourth degree perineal/vaginal tears,
  • perforation of the uterus when an intrauterine device is being fitted
  • delay or failure to treat endometriosis,
  • delayed diagnosis of gynaecological cancers
  • laparoscopic negligence
  • failed sterilisations

What injuries can be caused by Gynaecological or Obstetric Negligence*

Gynaecological and obstetric negligence can have far reaching implications for the patient. In obstetric negligence it can also have implications on the baby. The most common injuries a medical negligence solicitor* sees are:

  • hysterectomies, embolization
  • bladder perforation
  • bowel perforation
  • perineal tears
  • fertility issues including loss of fertility
  • failed sterilisations
  • delayed diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies
  • sepsis
  • incontinency
  • severe pain
  • psychological injuries.

Why choose Hanahoe & Hanahoe LLP

At Hanahoe & Hanahoe LLP we have extensive knowledge in dealing with all manner of medical negligence cases*. We also understand the particular sensitivity that cases of gynaecological negligence* require. We ensure we always represent clients in a sensitive, professional and compassionate manner. Our expertise and experience ensure that our clients are compensated properly for the injuries they have suffered.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the statute in limitations for bringing a gynaecological negligence claim*?

The statute for limitations for bringing any medical negligence claim* is two years minus one day from the date of knowledge of any potential negligence. The date of knowledge may be different from the date of injury. However, we would always recommend clients to try, where possible, to issue the proceedings within two years of the date of the injury.

How do I know if I have a valid gynaecological negligence claim*?

In order to issue any medical negligence proceedings, you first have to get an opinion from a suitably qualified expert. If you get an opinion from a suitably qualified expert, stating that there has been a breach of duty, this allows you to issue proceedings. This does not necessarily mean that your case will be successful, as a defendant’s expert may disagree that there was any negligence. That said, getting an expert opinion is a good place to start in knowing whether you have a valid gynaecological injury claim*.

How do I file a gynaecological injury claim*?

As explained above, before bringing a gynaecological claim* you have to get an opinion from a suitably qualified expert stating that there is a breach of duty. If we obtain such an opinion, our expert medical negligence solicitors* will brief a barrister to draft the appropriate proceedings and thereafter we will issue and serve the proceedings on the defendant.

Get started on bringing your gynaecological injury claim*

If you have suffered a gynaecological or obstetric injury in surgery or during a medical procedure and you believe that it was as a result of medical negligence, contact one of our medical negligence solicitors* today, to start on your claim, get clear, sensitive and considered advice or gather more information. Call us on 045 897784 and an experienced member of our medical negligence team will discuss your options and potential next steps. You can also email on and we will get back to you as soon as we can.